Data Automation Saves Time and Money for Businesses Everywhere

Jun 27, 2024

Can Data Automation Help Your Business Thrive?

The way we work with and utilize data continues to become increasingly important. By interpreting data accurately, companies can influence business strategies, better understand consumers, and even plan for unforeseen events.

However, interpreting large sums of data can come with many obstacles, especially since data is constantly updated. That is why an important technique to utilize is data automation. Ray Wang, Principal Analyst & Founder of Constellation Research, discusses how organizations are trying to build data supremacy and win on the concept of decision velocity, and the steps they can take to achieve these goals, in this video. “Even though we have so much data, our goal is to get to the signal intelligence – separating the signal from the noise,” Wang says. “With all that content, all that data, it becomes harder and harder, and that’s why we have to get better at it. And that’s
where automation comes into play.”

Wang talks about how data automation can increase the timeliness and accuracy of decisions made about topics including avoiding compliance issues, assessing risk of potential lawsuits, and improving safety of people at their jobs.

Executives seem to agree with Wang’s premise. A Gartner survey found that 80% of executives think automation can be applied to any business decision. As automation becomes embedded in digital business, the survey revealed how organizations are evolving their use of AI as part of their automation strategies.

“The survey has shown that enterprises are shifting away from a purely tactical approach to AI and beginning to apply AI more strategically,” said Erick Brethenoux, distinguished VP analyst at Gartner. “For example, a third of organizations are applying AI across several business units, creating a stronger competitive differentiator by supporting decisions across business processes.”

What Exactly is Data Automation?

Data automation allows data to be processed without the need for human intervention. This means data entries can be transported and analyzed without the need for humans to manually enter them. The benefits of this process can include:
● Achieving tasks more quickly and accurately
● Reducing errors from manual data input
● Enabling employees to focus on other non-automated tasks
● Saving money related to staff hours
● Increasing ability to scale

The Role of Data Automation in MorphWorks Processes

MorphWorks unlocks the benefits of data automation for our clients by identifying and implementing efficiency improvements through the automation of processes, workflows, and communication channels. First, we develop a thorough understanding of the tools that our clients already have in place in their environment. Then we use a variety of data analytics resources to develop dashboards, tools, scripts, and macros to capitalize on those investments and augment your workforce, eliminating time-consuming manual tasks and enabling faster decision support for your senior leadership.

The role of data automation has become increasingly important in order to find the correct data to use for strategic decisions. Understanding what data to automate to perform enhanced analysis guides the entirety of the data analysis process. MorphWorks’ process for data automation ensures that we can best utilize your time to interpret your data according to your needs. To find out how your company can benefit from our data automation expertise, reach out to our team here.

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