Proven Client Engagement Approaches Ensure Project Success

Jul 18, 2024

How Do You Keep Important New Projects Moving Forward?

We’ve all been through this scenario: A new project is proposed and, after the excitement of initial brainstorming and goal-setting, the principals get sidetracked with familiar old tasks and put the new project on the back burner where it eventually dies on the vine.

That’s unfortunate because that new project could have made a massive difference in your company’s future. But how do we avoid this seemingly basic human truth that we are more likely to regress back to what is familiar (even if inefficient) rather than blaze a new path toward a needed transformation?

There is a Way to Keep a Project’s Momentum Going

Companies often turn to strategic consultants for fresh ideas and to propose improvements. But fresh ideas alone won’t ensure your transformation project gets off the ground and delivers the desired results. For your company to experience the full benefits of new approaches, you must find a consultancy that has an effective client communications and engagement approach to keep your team excited and informed through project completion.

At MorphWorks, we deliver clear, concise, and consistent communications to our clients. Our approach keeps the momentum of a new project alive and continues to build enthusiasm as milestones are achieved and results are observed.

Our client engagement approach consists of four key stages:

  • Objective Assessment

Our comprehensive discovery and gap activity shows where your organization is in terms of maturity so we can “meet you where you are”. We have frank discussions with our clients and have heard things like, “To be honest, we actually don’t have any competitive advantages with our products or services. We do the same thing that our competitors do. And we charge more. How can we win?”

We can suggest multiple creative pricing strategies that would provide significant differentiation from the competition. By providing this menu of pricing options, you can show that you know how to work with your customers to make them comfortable with their investment.

And that’s a big part of our objective assessment – getting to know what your customers want, in addition to understanding what you can provide. Then we develop strategies to bridge that gap between your offerings and your customers’ needs.

  • Plan Implementation

We develop an enterprise performance measurement plan that fits your goals, budgets, and timetables, with a focus on what is actually possible to implement, not what sounds great but is completely impractical.

That focus on what is possible contains clear, specific plans of action that can include options for employee training, strategies to comfortably overcome resistance to change, plans to re-organize departments to better utilize skill sets and synergies, and many other recommendations that have been proven to generate results for our clients.

To keep the project momentum going, we provide “If this …, then do this …” scenarios, as well as responses to objections and other common project roadblocks.

  • Trusted Execution

We want you to be 100% clear on what you need to do, and how you’re supposed to do it.

That’s why our client engagement approach includes:
– Easy-to-read project plans and schedules
– Timely operational status reporting
– Comprehensive executive dashboards related to the acquisition, implementation, and adoption of new software and hardware when applicable.

No detail is overlooked, and no question goes unanswered. Clear communication is provided at every turn.

  • Adoption and Optimization

Now your plan is in place, and you have taken those first steps toward your goals. How is it going? We want to know. Chances are you have some questions, feedback, etc. If there are any gaps in the plan, we want to close them and tighten up the process.

We talk to your SMEs and executives to determine what aspects of your new business strategy have been working, what could be done better, and what should be phased out. We regularly consider modifying any of our procedures, or developing new tactics.

We are ready to provide specific courses of action to accommodate for any pivoting that needs to be done to better meet the needs of your organization and your customers and optimize the results.

By engaging with you throughout the four key stages of the project, we are able to ensure your new projects don’t just get out of the starting blocks, they also cross the finish line. With our supportive communication and advocacy-based approach, you’ll reap the full benefits from your transformation projects.

To find out how your company can benefit from our client engagement expertise, reach out to our team here.

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